Will you be able to play Galciv II as you do when you play Galciv I ?

Not know where alien races are at the start.
Explore the Map.
Colonize Systems that you find.
Build Social Projects, Ships.
Meet Aliens trade, declare war..

My hope is if you like Galciv you like Galciv II because you can play it the same way.

My fear is the Galaxy is alreay explored since it takes place after Galciv and
you be force down one path with an objective.

on Dec 19, 2004
I think there will be both a campaign mode and a "sandbox" mode, with "sandbox" being equivalent to GalCiv 1 (random map, don't know where everything is).
on Dec 19, 2004
Brad said you could still play sandbox. It's definitely needed, if only because the scenarios tend to be poor on the diplomatic side for storyline reasons.
on Dec 19, 2004

Sandbox mode will still be there and be the primary way you play the game.

The difference is that this time there will be a campaign as part of the base game too.

on Dec 21, 2004
sunderstanding something here.
on Dec 21, 2004
Basic regular game withoput campaigns and scenarios IS sandbox mode.

on Dec 21, 2004
Phew! I was worried thanks Paul...